1 sftp -p username@xxx.xxx.xxx
sftp -p username@xxx.xxx.xxx
1 sftp> bye
sftp> bye
1 sftp> get example.txt
sftp> get example.txt
1 sftp> get Todo.txt
sftp> get Todo.txt
SFTP vs. FTP: What’s the Best Protocol and Why?
Load the Reveal Server via an Xcode Breakpoint In Reveal, open the Help menu and click Install Debugger Commands… Click Continue to finish the installation. Open your i...
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WordPress setup on CentOS 6 Install yum install vsftpd chkconfig vsftpd on Create a FTP/SCP user mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/example.com chmod 755 /var/www/vhosts/example.com useradd -d /var/www...
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