wiki Primitive Assembly is the stage in the OpenGL rendering pipeline where Primitives are divided into a sequence of individual base primitives. After some minor processing, as described below, ...
ios - geometry shader
wiki A Geometry Shader (GS) is a Shader program written in GLSL that governs the processing of Primitives. Geometry shaders reside between the Vertex Shaders (or the optional Tessellation stage) ...
ios - glkit
Tutorial Apple has developed a framework called GLKit to help developers create apps that leverage OpenGL and to abstract boilerplate code. It also allows developers to focus on drawing, not on g...
opengl - fragment shader
wiki A Fragment Shader is the Shader stage that will process a Fragment generated by the Rasterization into a set of colors and a single depth value. The output of a fragment shader is a depth va...
opengl - shaders(vsh, fsh)
ref What is a VSH file? 3D shading file used by applications that use the OpenGL graphics library; contains a graphics function used for shading a vertex, which is a point in 3D space; executed b...
opengl rendering pipeline
OpenGL Wiki The Rendering Pipeline is the sequence of steps that OpenGL takes when rendering objects. Vertex Processing: Each vertex retrieved from the vertex arrays (as defined by the V...
opengl loading library
wiki An OpenGL Loading Library is a library that loads pointers to OpenGL functions at runtime, core as well as extensions. Most extension loading libraries override the need to include gl.h at a...
ios - opengl getting started
wiki Initialization Before you can actually use OpenGL in a program, you must first initialize it. Because OpenGL is platform-independent, there is not a standard way to initialize OpenGL; each p...
opengl context creation
wiki HWND (window handler) DC (device context) Many of the Windows-specific initialization functions have the "wgl" prefix affixed to them. Pixel Format Each window in MS Windows has a Device...
ios - mixing opengl and metal rendering in a view
Sample Create a Metal Texture from the Pixel Buffer Start by instantiating a Metal texture cache as follows: cvret = CVMetalTextureCacheCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, ...