Photoshop 订单编号:202210111637089694331889
perceived performance
Perceived performance, in computer engineering, refers to how quickly a software feature appears to perform its task. The concept applies mainly to user acceptance aspects. The amount of time an a...
photoshop basic
References user guide 常用快捷键 缩放:Alt + 鼠标滚轮 放大:Ctrl + 加号 缩小:Ctrl + 减号 缩放到100%: Ctrl + 1 手抓:空格键 + 鼠标左键 移动:Ctrl + 鼠标左键 复制选中得区域:Ctrl + C 黏贴选中得区域:Ctrl + V 新建画布:Ctrl + N 历史记录回退:Ctr...
java basic
对象和数组的内存 Java中所有对象都是new出来的;所有对象的内存都在堆空间;所有保存对象的变量都是引用类型 Java运行时环境有个垃圾回收器(Garbage Collector),会自动回收不再使用的内存 当一个对象没有任何引用指向时,会被GC回收掉内存 对象数组每个单元存储的是一个堆空间对象的地址 内存区域划分 PC寄存器 (Program C...
JavaScript 运行在浏览器,需要浏览器中的解析器解析之后次啊能运行的脚本语言。 JavaScript最初受Java启发而开始设计,目的之一就是”看上去像Java”,因此语法上有类似之处,一些名称和命名规范也借自Java。 JavaScript于Java名称上近似,是当时Netscape为了营销考虑与Sun微系统达成协议的结果。 三部分组成 ECMAScript D...
google web dev tools
常用快捷键 Select: Ctrl + Shift + C Reload: Ctrl + R
Jenkins 替换国内插件源 手动安装插件 Localization: Chinese (Simplified) Git Maven Integration 上传插件
design patterns
References Gang of Four Design Patters Open Closed Principle As applications evolve, changes are required. Changes are required when new functionality is added or existing functionality is updat...
ios uikit notes
edgesForExtendedLayout The edges that you extend for your view controller. Instead of this property, use the safe area of your view to determine which parts of your interface are occluded by othe...
algorithm - detect linked list cycle
Problem Given the head of a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null. There is a cycle in a linked list if there is some node in the list that can be...